How to prepare for a visit to the dentist
When visiting a dental clinic a patient may want to spend the least amount of time in the dental chair possible but we would like patients to reconsider this course of action. Coming in to see our dentist in Birmingham at Sohal Dental Practice, be it for a scheduled check-up appointment or a consultation for any dental treatment is a valuable opportunity to gain first-hand information from a professionally qualified and well-experienced dentist in Birmingham. This is an ideal time to get the answers one needs on a range of dental-related matters from recommended teeth cleaning techniques to suitable dental products to use to tips on a tooth-friendly diet to ways on how best to protect one’s smile. Asking questions and voicing concerns can increase the value one gets out of a visit to our dentist in Birmingham.

Get more out of your next dental visit
- Be sure to mention all dental concerns
Some patients may feel inclined to not be upfront about all of their symptoms out of shyness, fear or embarrassment but urge patients to be honest and disclose all information that may help our dentists understand the full extent of the patient’s dental situation. It is only in having all relevant information that our dentists can provide the best possible dental care to restore full mouth health and function and boost the quality of life.
- Take along a list of questions
It may happen sometimes that in the course of an oral examination patients may forget the questions they wanted to ask. A handy tip is to write these questions down so that there is less chance of one forgetting when in the dentist’s rooms.
- Be sure to mention any changes in medical condition
It is important for our dental practitioner to be informed about any prevailing medical condition affecting a patient’s physical health as this may have a direct impact on oral health too. If a patient has been prescribed any medication or is on any treatment, this needs to be mentioned at a dental consult.
- Talk to us about your dental fears
The very last thing we want is for patients to avoid dental care due to their dental phobias. At our dental clinic, we have a caring and compassionate dental team who are willing to listen. There are techniques we can employ to help lessen patient fears and anxieties so please speak to us if you are nervous about any dental treatment or procedure.
- Clarify all things you are unclear about
It is understandable that sometimes not all instructions given by our dental practitioner are understood clearly by the patient. We would not like any patient to leave our rooms before fully understanding all guidelines, recommendations and aftercare advice.
- Find out what constitutes a dental emergency
One of the more misunderstood dental terms is “dental emergency” with patients often confused when to seek professional dental attention. Our dentist can explain the different types of dental emergencies and why seeking timely dental care from a reputable dental practitioner is so important.
At our Sohal Dental Practice, we offer quality comprehensive dental care to help our patients enjoy the lifelong benefits of healthy teeth and a happy smile.