Porcelain Art
Dental Veneers
If you’re struggling to stay content with stained teeth, poor tooth shape or the position of your teeth, then it is possible dental veneers are the ideal treatment for you. Popular amongst celebrities and general dental patients alike, veneers have been carefully developed to cover all manner of imperfections.
Common issues include excessive staining or irregular staining caused by nerve damage to a single tooth, poor shape developed over time or caused by damage e.g. a chipped tooth and poor positioning such as gaps between teeth. Although many of these issues can be corrected over a long period of time, many patients prefer faster and more cost-effective options.
The Solution
Veneers are thin layers of porcelain created to fit over the front surface of individual teeth. Designed specifically for the tooth (or teeth) that are of particular concern to the patient, they fit perfectly over imperfections to create a flawless smile. Even in cases where a patient has suffered a chip, a porcelain veneer can be created with a thicker section in the area where the chip occurred creating a smooth finish.
Some veneers require preparation of the tooth before they’re fitted but others can be fitted almost immediately. This ease of application makes it simple to repair any issues even at short notice and make the teeth look natural and healthy.
Cosmetic Veneers at Sohal Dental Practice
Sohal Dental Practice has years of experience creating and applying veneers to our loyal client base. After preparing the tooth, we can take an impression of the teeth to ensure a perfect match and our dental technicians will start crafting. During this process, the colour of the surrounding teeth is always matched to create a perfectly natural look so you can feel confident in your smile from the moment you leave our dental surgery.
Can I have veneers if my teeth are chipped?
Veneers are an ideal treatment for chipped teeth as they can be adjusted to fit the areas where the tooth is missing.
How much of my natural tooth will I lose?
The amount of tooth lost for the preparation of veneers is minimal and is much less than the amount lost for bridges.
How are veneers kept in place?
Veneers are bonded into place using a special type of cement.